I like to bring out the beauty in the ordinary person. These subjects in the grown up portraits section are not models, they are your friends and neighbors. You might need a headshot for your business or website, want a great picture of yourself to give to as a present to a loved one, need a great holiday card image, just got engaged, want to have a record of your weight loss progress, want some great images for an online dating profile, or maybe you are interested in putting together a Comp Card to give modeling a try. Whatever the reason, "I want to be a rock star!" or I want to make an impression" –
I can make the session fun for you!
I will make you feel beautiful and the photos will be amazing!
After you have scrolled down and viewed this Portrait Gallery,
Click on "Portraits" in the Navigation Bar Above for other portrait galleries.

great for comp cards, modeling, advertising, gifts, promotional use
